Eur@dioNantes is a local pilot project with a European vocation, an associative radio that has already obtained an official authorization for broadcasting. Diffused on the frequency 101, 3 in the area of Nantes (France), Eur@dioNantes would equally
Vine vara, mergi acasa, sau ramai in Bucuresti...Raiffeisen Bank iti ofera solutia unei cariere de succes incepand din aceasta vara! Oriunde ai merge in tara, in orice judet, poti face practica la Raiffeisen Bank, incapand cu 1 iulie, intre 2
Iti place sa lucrezi cu copiii? Vrei sa te implici in organizarea unei campanii sociale? Vrei sa faci practica intr-o agentie de comunicare? Esti liber in perioada 3 mai - 10 iunie? Gabriela Szabo impreuna cu Agentia de comunicare Pastel Age te
Vrei sa te afirmi? Vrei sa obtii un internship in cadrul unei companii de top? Atunci nu mai sta pe ganduri! Pregateste-ti CV-ul si vino la conferintele InternshipASER, un eveniment creat special pentru tine! Locatie: Aula Magna, ASE Joi, 3 Mai
Vrei sa te implici intr-o activitate de voluntariat si sa inveti cum se lucreaza intr-un ONG? Vrei sa castigi experienta practica, sa-ti imbogatesti CV-ul si sa ai un loc unde sa faci practica ceruta de facultate? Vino sa faci un stagiu de practica
“Stagii pe Bune”, cel mai mare eveniment de cariera destinat studentilor facultatilor de IT&C din Romania Asociatia „Studenti si Profesionisti IT&C” (ASPI) lanseaza a treia editie a programului„Stagii pe
Programul de practici profesionale oferit de Cultural Homestay International este oferit studentilor si absolventilor, care doresc sa plece in S. U. A. cu scopul de a acumula experienta profesionala valoroasa. Participantii programului Internship
Since the beginning, P&G has continued to lead the way and reinvent the way we do business. It''s the approach we''ve taken to each challenge and opportunity since 1837, and the way we will continue our success as we look toward the future. We
The Institute is currently implementing a three-year comprehensive project on Human Rights and Democratisation in the Islamic Republic of Iran. This project aims to continue and promote human rights as a central part of the EU-Iran human rights
The International Human Rights Internship Programs (IHRIP) mission and work are based on the belief that human rights activists have knowledge and skills, as a result of their day-to-day work, that are important to the success not only of their own