Greenpeace International Amsterdam ofera stagii de practica in cercetare (Research Internship) full-time (40 de ore/saptamana) pentru o perioada de 6 luni. Stagiarii primesc un onorariu lunar in valoare de 800 de euro. Pentru alte informatii, adresa

Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation A Project of The German Marshall Fund Internship Opportunities Institution: The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a non-partisan American public policy and grant making institution dedicated

Revista Tango cauta studenti entuziasti de la Facultatile de Jurnalism ce doresc sa capete experienta in presa scrisa. Programul de internship va acoperi mai multe componente, de la munca administrativa in redactie, munca de cercetare, pana la

Vrei sa faci practica la British Council? Iti plac cartile? Te-ai gandit ca ai vrea sa lucrezi in Relatii cu Publicul? Vrei sa afli ce inseamna sa lucrezi intr-o biblioteca? Vrei sa inveti sa lucrezi la cele mai inalte standarde

Location: Aachen, Germany As an intern at code4business, you`ll have responsibility from day one, in an actual project, working side by side with the rest of the team. It`s an experience you`ll never find in a classroom. The work you`re doing here

The European Commission in cooperation with the Open Society Institute, Roma Participation Program, is announcing the 2009 Call for applications for the EC internship for young Roma university graduates from all new member states (excluding Cyprus

The European Commission in cooperation with the Open Society Institute, Roma Participation Program, is announcing the 2009 Call for applications for the EC internship for young Roma university graduates from all new member states (excluding Cyprus

The internship position will be based at the Office of the Executive Secretary, UNECE Period of internship: end of October - December 2008 Deadline for applications: 26 October 2008 Eligibility criteria: To qualify for UNECE internship programme,

At the FMO we recruit young EEA nationals for five-month traineeships to assist on tasks related to the daily running of the EEA and Norway Grants. We are currently accepting applications for traineeships commencing 2009. The FMO is the day-to-day

Centrul European de Limbi Moderne (ECML) recruteaza tineri pentru doua stagii in cadrul institutiei. Scopul ECML este de a implementarea de politici lingvistice si promovarea unor tehnici inovatoare in predarea si insusirea unei limbi moderne.