Global Entrepreneurship
calendar_month 28 Sep 2015, 00:00
During the Summer School, 35 students will work in international and interdisciplinary teams to develop business ideas addressing challenges concerning one topic with a global impact. In 2015, the topic is Youth Unemployment.On the first day of the nine days program will allow the students to get to know each other, build teams and start brainstorming about innovative ideas.During the week each team will develop a business plan for its individual project. We have established a set of lectures and assignments to structure the project work and provide complementary knowledge %E2%80" e.g. of business planning or topic-specific issues. In addition to that we will train presentation and teambuilding skills. The lectures will be held by renowned entrepreneurs as well as by experts from science, industry and politics. Throughout the course each team will be accompanied by coaches who continuously provide feedback and assistance on the specific project, its business plan as well as on technical questions.As a final task the teams are expected to present their project to a selected audience of investors, entrepreneurs and educators. They will conclude their results in form of an 7 minutes Elevator Pitch in front of more than 200 guests and afterwards enjoy a huge evening celebration.The students will receive certificates of participation and, if appropriate, certificates for outstanding achievement.
Course leader
The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School is a collaborative project of the four leading university-based Entrepreneurship Centers in Munich (LMU Entrepreneurship Center, UnternehmerTUM, SCE, CeTIM) as well as the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie.
Target group
Undergraduate or graduate of all university studies e.g.: design, computer science, business economics, humanities, social sciences etc. that are enrolled in any university at any time during 2015 and participants have to be aged between 18 27 years old.Example: If you are enrolled only until February 2015 you can apply even if you won't be enrolled in September 2015. "Enrolled" applies in our definition also to MBA or PhD students.
Course aim
The vision of the Global Entrepreneurship Summer School is based on the claim Billion Euro Projects to Foster Societal Change". We want to encourage and connect outstanding students from all over the world to challenge society's problems by entrepreneurial means. We want the students to think big and contribute to sustainable change in the dimension of billion.During the Summer School the student teams develop ideas that have both a sustainable impact for society and a self-sustaining, profitable business model. The students learn about entrepreneurship, develop their own sustainable business ideas and build a long-lasting network of international excellent and entrepreneurial students. The Global Entrepreneurship Summer Schools fosters the important role of education, entrepreneurship and networking for a sustainable development.This year's topic: YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT
Fee info
EUR 0: We will charge a tuition fee EUR 119,- per selected participant. This fee has to be paid in advance after being selected.(Note: For our international guests the fee covers part of the the medical insurance including an ambulance transport or even an emergency transfer back home.)If you are a student from Germany and you can provide accommodation to an international participant you won't have to pay a tuition fee.
LMU, TUM, Hochschule M%C3%BCnchen, Universit%C3%A4t der Bundeswehr
Address: Social Entrepreneurship Akademie, He%C3%9Fstr. 89 Munich
Postal code: 80797
City: Munich
Country: Germany
Phone: +49 89 21806206