Religion, Gender and Sexual Issues: Navigating the Complexities
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
In many cultural contexts, the relationships between religion, gender and sexuality are complicated and full of tensions. Even in the Netherlands these issues are difficult to discuss and there are many diverse opinions. Add globalization to the mix and the issues become even more sensitive. This course is about the ambivalent intersection of sexual issues and religion (and here especially Christianity). How do we engage in dialogue about sexuality and gender without violating religious ethics %E2%80" ours or other people%E2%80%99s?
Course leader
Dr. Annette Mosher
Target group
Students of Theology, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Psychology, Medicine, Law, Social Sciences and other Humanities, such as Art History and Anthropology.
Course aim
You understand the complex relationships between religion and sexual issues (historical, psychological, sociological and theological).You understand the power aspects of sexuality and gender.You understand the complexities of sexuality.You can analyse and deconstruct religious conflict around sexualities.You learn to contribute to debates regarding sexual diversity.
Credits info
5 ECTS Contact hours: 50
Fee info
EUR 950: Includes orientation and course material. Does not include housing.
The Amsterdam Summer School offers twenty scholarships of 500 for highly motivated students. The deadline to apply for a scholarship is 1 April. Application for the scholarship is part of the general online application procedure.
VU University Amsterdam
Address: Study Abroad in Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1105 Amsterdam
Postal code: 1081 HV
City: Amsterdam
Country: Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 5986506