calendar_month 04 Dec 2007, 00:00
Why Bates? Rated among the best liberal arts colleges in the nation, Bates` curriculum and faculty challenge students to develop powers of critical assessment, analysis, expression, aesthetic sensibility, and independent thought.
Our 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio puts students in direct contact with Bates` extraordinary faculty. In fact, you can start right off in a First-Year Seminar, with just 14 other students and a professor.

Bates has a long tradition of educating students from abroad as well as those from the United States. Currently we have enrolled students from more than 70 different countries ranging from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe. With so many cultures present on campus, the International Community is both diverse and active.

International students also benefit from an international orientation session, a specific adviser in the Dean of Students Office, and
campus housing that is available during the summer and holliday periods.

Our most important offering, however, is nationally recognized strength of our academics. Bates is consistently ranked as one of
the top liberal arts colleges in America, with world-class facilities in all areas of the sciences, and an outstanding reputation for departments such as Economics, Political Science, and Biology. You can find our course catalogue online at

Making College Costs Affordable: Need-Based Financial Aid
The College expets students and their families to contribute as much as possible toward the Comprehensive Fee, which covers tuition, room, board, and various other charges. The Comprehensive Fee for 2006-2007 is $44,350, subject to adjustment in accordance with changing operational costs. Estimated additional expenses total $2,050 for books, supplies, laundry, and incidentals.

The College provides need-based financial assistance for all of its students, including non-U.S. citizens who cannot fully meet the cost of the tuition. Merit and athletic-based scholarships are not offered. Financial aid awards are made on the basics of documented need, and are available only for students who decide to enroll at Bates. There is no particular amount of aid that is offered since each family`s circumstance is unique. The College pledges to meet demonstrated need in full for the duration of the student`s enrollment. Since Bayes makes this commitment to provide financial assistance, the competition to be admitted is very intense.

A typical international financial aid package includes three parts: a Bates grant (which does not need to be repaid to the College]), a campus job that involves working up to 15 hours per week, and an annual contribution, usually earned through summer employment.

In 2006-2007 the average financial aid award for international students was $36,750. Each year international students at Bates
receive financial aid packages that meet the full need of their families, totaling approximately $2 million.

Further information about Bates is available on the internet at . In the Admission section, you will find a
direct link to the Bates international sites, as well as a link to common application, supplement and financial aid forms.

Kristin Crosby
Associated Dean of International Admissions