Pe 4 ianuarie au inceput cursurile pentru cea de-a 15-a promotie a Scolii Doctorale Francofone de Stiinte Sociale a Universitatii din Bucuresti. Institutie fondata in 1993, la initiativa unor cercetatori de la Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences

Ruhr-University Bochum din Germania ofera absolventilor internationali care vor sa urmeze studii de doctorat oportunitatea de a obtine o bursa de doctorat in valoare de 1,000 euro/luna. Bursele RUB 2010 sunt urmatoarele: 12 burse de doctorat - 10

Title: Refinement in embedded system design: from system level to hardware/software level Institution: University of Toulouse, IRIT laboratory Supervisors : Iulian Ober (http://www.irit.fr/~Iulian.Ober/ ) Jean-Michel Bruel ( http://jmb.c.la/ )

PhD Programme in Transnational Studies and International Relations at the Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies Scholarships: 9 Doctoral Scholarships Date: 3 year full-time PhDprogramme

Postdoc in Aquatic Ecology at Universite de Montreal Postdoctoral Position in Aquatic Ecology at Universite de Montreal (GRIL) Members from the GRIL (French acronym for Inter-University Research Group in Limnology & Aquatic Sciences) at the

Proiect sustinut de Fundatia Volkswagen din Germania : Scoala doctorala internationala de istorie conceptuala isi propune abordarea istoriei romanesti printr-o metoda interdisciplinara, tema fiind comunicarea social-politica din Romania secolelor al

Department of International History and Politics (HPI) Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Geneva Invites applications for its 4-year PhD program in International Studies commencing September 2009 The Department of

Universitat Bielefeld EBIM Economic Behavior and Interaction Models The Third Doctoral Workshop 11th–12th December 2008 in Bielefeld, Germany Aim The workshop is aimed at providing doctoral students with an opportunity to present their
Scholarship / Financial aid: available Date: the 2008-2009 year Deadline: November 30, 2008 Open to: see Eligibility Announcement follows: Women in science and technology Faculty for the Future is a capacity-building initiative that develops women
(Study Trips / Study Seminars and Practicals ) DAAD, Germany Scholarship / Financial aid: health, accident and public/private liability insurance covered Date: 12 days or longer Deadline: 1st Octomber 2008 Open to: groups of foreign students under