calendar_month 22 Oct 2007, 00:00
The five-year European Science Foundation-funded Scientific Programme "Representations of the Past: The Writing of National Histories in Europe (NHIST)" runs since 2003. It aims to:
- analyse in depth national historiographies and their relationship to wider national historical cultures,
- study systematically the construction, erosion and reconstruction of national histories across a wide variety of European states,
- bridge the existing historiographical gap within Europe by bringing together the histories of Western and Eastern Europe,
- combine cultural transfer and comparative approaches in examining the relationship between national historiographies and national historical cultures.

The programme is the collaborative effort of more than one hundred scholars from around 30 European countries. Its agenda is being implemented by four teams occupied with
- the institutions, networks and communities which produced national histories and were themselves influenced by the idea of national history (Team 1)
- the construction, erosion and reconstruction of national histories in their relationship with competing representations structured by the social cleavages in a society (Team 2)
- national histories and their relationship with regional, European and world histories (Team 3)
- the national histories in their spatial relationships and mutual interdependency with other national histories (Team 4)
For more details please see the programme''s website:
The aim of the summer school is to promote the results of the NHIST programme to the next generation of academics across Europe and to identify new projects and researchers in the history of historiography using comparative and cultural transfer approaches. Leading NHIST scholars who will be present at the summer school include Professor Stefan Berger (University of Manchester), Professor Christoph Conrad
(Université de Genevé), Professor Chris Lorenz (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Dr. Frank Hadler (Geisteswissenschaf tliches Zentrum für Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas) , Professor Ilaria Porciani (Universita di Bologna).
If you think your work fits in the NHIST remit and you would like to present aspects of it at the summer school we look forward to hearing from you!
Travel Costs are reimbursed up to a maximum of EUR250, accommodation, including meals, is provided. The trip includes one day of sightseeing in Budapest (5th July). The group will have a final dinner, stay for the night and depart the next day from Budapest.
Please send a 100 word CV and a 300 word abstract of your proposed paper via email to:
Sven de Roode
ESF NHIST Programme Coordinator
School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures
University of Manchester
Email: Sven.DeRoode@ manchester.
Abstract and CV should reach the programme coordinator by 15 December 2007. The executive group of the NHIST will select the participants of the summer school and the programme coordinator will inform successful applicants by the end of February 2008 at the latest. In case of withdrawals a list of additional potential students will apply.
Sven de Roode
University of Manchester
0044 161 236 93 25
Sven.DeRoode@ manchester.