Vacant Ph.D. and Postdoc positions/Mathematics and Computer Science
Currently there are several vacant positions at the Institute of Geometry, TU Graz. You are invited to apply for one or more of the following:
a A regular `scientific assistant' position starting with May 2008. We are looking for candidates with a university degree in Mathematics or Computer Science who aim at a Ph.D. degree. Especially welcome are candidates with background in one of the following subjects which correspond to research projects: geometry processing, differential geometry, approximation theory. Please consult the university's official publication http://mibla.tugraz.atand send your application to the Dean's office until April 9, 2008 (email
a The FFG (AOsterreichische ForschungsfAorderung s GmbH) is funding a Ph.D. position for 3 years (or a PostDoc position for a shorter time) in the research project Computing Multilayer Freeform structures in Architecture, conducted together with TU Wien (H. Pottmann) and Waagner-Biro Stahlbau.
We are looking for mathematicians or computer scientists who have implementation skills in C++. Please send your CV to me as soon as possible.
a The FWF (Austrian Science Fund) is funding Ph.D. or PostDoc positions within the research project Computational Differential Geometry scheduled to run for the next three years. We are looking for mathematicians or computer scientists, preferably with a background in one of the following: geometry processing, geometry, differential geometry, discrete mathematics. Implementation skills in C++ are a bonus.
Please send your CV to me as soon as possible.