calendar_month 20 Nov 2008, 00:00
Postdoctoral Position in Aquatic Ecology at Universite de Montreal (GRIL)
Members from the GRIL (French acronym for Inter-University Research Group in Limnology & Aquatic Sciences) at the Universite de Montreal (UdeM) are seeking to fill one postdoctoral position in aquatic ecology. The GRIL is a consortium of researchers working on a wide array of topics in aquatic sciences from different universities and research institutes in Montreal and throughout Quebec. There are 9 members of the GRIL, established at UdeM.
The research programmes of the GRIL members at UdeM are quite varied and complementary. We are seeking candidates with research experience in any of the following topics: biogeochemical cycling of N, Hg and C, cyanobacteria, food web dynamics, landscape ecology, microbial ecology, population and community ecology, population genetics and molecular evolution. Interested candidates are encouraged to consult the GRIL website and department of biology website to identify potential future GRIL collaborators located at UdeM.
Candidates should send a CV with a statement of research interests and the contacts for 3 potential references. Universite de Montreal is a French institution; however speaking French is not obligatory for the position. The current position is for 18 months. Please send applications to Roxane Maranger ( and Bernard Angers ( The candidate must assume the position by April 2009 at the latest. We will begin consulting applications on Dec. 15 2008 and will continue receiving applications until the position is filled.