calendar_month 29 Aug 2007, 00:00
Over the years, well-known academicians from Turkey and Europe have given courses and lectures within the master`s degree
programme, among them Bernard Steunenberg, Asa Lundgren, Richard Griffiths, Theo Toonen, Julia Rapp, Bas van Bockel, Karen Anderson,Antoaneta Dimitrova, Jean Pirlot, Alexandra Ramos and Andrew Skudder...
Today`s faculty includes, besides the Program DirectorEmre Gönen, Ye?im M. Atamer, Ayhan Kaya, Durmu? Ozdemir, Serhat Guvenç, Okutan Nilsson, Aylin Seçkin, Harry-Zachary G.Tzimitras, Esra Arsan, Senem Aydyn and Ozge Onursal.
The program has been designed to give students a thorough knowledge of the European Union integration, its institutions, systems, goals andfunctioning. Turkey, already part of the process of European integration since the signing of the Ankara Agreement in 1963, is now a candidate for membership. The Customs Union between Turkey and the EU, which was completed in 1996, has already made Turkey part of the European Single Market.
The program aims at providing the students with relevant necessary knowledge to handle the prospective situation where Turkey and the EU will become institutional partners.
An information meeting will be held on September 6, 2007, in Dolapdere Campus, with the participation of Ayhan Kaya, Director of European Institute and Emre Gönen, at 18:00 hours. The evaluation examination
will take place at the same campus, on September 10, 2007, at 18:30 hours. On-line applications can be made at
Tuition waivers are available upon request. Deadline: September 7, 2007 (as written on the website).
See contact details of the organizers on the webpage, under `Contact`.