calendar_month 08 Mai 2008, 00:00
Bermuda College is a community college dedicated to offering the highest standards of academic and professional excellence, based not so much on one''s background entering - but on what one has been able to achieve upon graduation. It is one of the few community colleges of its size in the Western hemisphere that boasts a virtual campus with wireless coverage available campus-wide! Every student taking more than six credit hours is provided with a laptop. Full-time students are allowed to keep their laptops upon graduation.
Founded: The College was created by the Parliament of Bermuda through the passage of the Bermuda College Act in 1974 with the amalgamation of three flourishing institutions: the Bermuda Technical Institute established in 1956, the Bermuda Hotel and Catering College (1965), and the Academic Sixth Form Centre (1967).
Size of Campus: 26 acres.

Degrees and Certificates Granted: Associate degrees, Certificates, and Diplomas
Number of Faculty: 52 faculty, 70 adjunct lecturers.
Average Class Size: 15 students.
Student Applicants: In 2004/2005 the College had 517 applicants of which 467 actually enrolled. This count consisted of 287 traditional and 230 non-traditional applicants.
Student Enrollment: Fall 2005 the College enrolled a total of 1215 students of which 210 were continuing education students.
Library Facilities: The Bermuda College Library maintains 32,811 volumes and 1,315 reels of microfilm. In addition, a special collection of Bermudiana: material related to Bermuda consisting of 1,104 volumes and 348 rare books which contain material that is now out of print and is available under restricted conditions for reference purposes only. Three Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) along with a dedicated printer are available to locate library resources. EBSCO host Online is a premier research source of thousands of periodical articles via the Internet. The library also provides access to online resources and other informational databases.
Computer Facilities: Bermuda College has six computer labs to which students have access. Each student is assigned a computer ID address at registration. The college has a Windows NT network that provides access to a wide-range of programming languages, software packages, and applications, including the Internet. All of these services are available to staff and students with a Bermuda College password.
The Bermuda College was created by the Parliament of Bermuda through the passage of the Bermuda College Act in 1974. Under this Act, a Board of twelve Governors has the responsibility for the direction and management of the College. The members of the Board are appointed annually by the Minister of Education. The Chief Education Officer of the Ministry of Education and the Chairman of the National Training Board are ex officio members of the Board. This provision for the governance of Bermuda''s only post-secondary educational institution was patterned after similar governing Acts of state-funded universities in the USA and Canada. This helps to isolate the academic activities of the College from the political process, and enables the College to accept cultural and leadership roles in the community, which would be denied if it were an arm of Government.
The College began with the amalgamation of three flourishing institutions: the Bermuda Hotel and Catering College established in 1965, the Bermuda Technical Institute (1956) and the Academic Sixth Form Centre (1967) Some of these institutions had even earlier antecedents. They had provided opportunities for education and training in the main areas needed by Bermuda in its developing economy. Under the energetic leadership of the Board''s first Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Mansfield H. Brock Jr. (1974-1977), the College made great strides in upgrading and developing curriculum for the education and training of young Bermudians. Advisory committees, established with memberships drawn from professionals in local businesses, helped develop programmes for major trade areas to ensure that Bermuda College graduates were well equipped for employment. Similarly, the basic programmes for hotels and for business offices were developed. The university-preparatory work of the earlier Sixth Form Centre was developed by the construction of a programme which would match the educational pattern of North American universities and enable students to obtain credit at an advanced level for the work done in Bermuda College. This programme was initially offered as an alternative to the GCE ''A''-levels and its success in gaining recognition in North American
universities soon made it the primary programme for university transfer.
In 1974 the College had separate facilities which its components used during their previous independent existence. But from its formation, the Board had contemplated a single College campus for all its programmes and to this end acquired the Stonington property in 1978. A master plan was developed, and the Bermuda Government provided funds to commence the construction of the campus in 1979. The Stonington Beach Hotel and the building housing the teaching kitchens and hotel service laboratories were finished and occupied in September 1980. The Stonington Beach Hotel was built primarily to give the students in the several hotel-oriented programmes practical experience. This facility, and the opportunity it provides, distinguishes the College''s hotel-oriented programmes from similar programmes elsewhere.
The building programme continued with New Hall (1988), the Student Centre (1990), the College Centre (1991), the Library (1992) and the Faculty Centre (1993). The opening of North Hall and Technical Hall in 1996 completed the single College campus envisaged by the Board.
Bermuda College is committed to setting Bermuda''s students on the paths to success. We welcome everyone who has ever held the dream of further education...and the desire to learn. We are a community college dedicated to offering the highest standards of academic and professional excellence, based not so much on one''s background coming in...but on what one has been able to accomplish upon graduation.
Why Bermuda College?
Where else can you find the inclusive philosophy of a community college combined with the commitment to maintain standards of excellence characteristic of a private liberal arts college?
At Bermuda College, our mission statement is `Setting Bermuda`s Students on the Paths to Success`; and we welcome anyone who has ever held the dream of self-improvement and the passion to learn. We are a community college dedicated to offering the highest standards of academic and professional excellence, based not so much on oneas educational background as they enter Bermuda College, but on what one has been able to accomplish upon graduation.
From technical and applied sciences, with transferable credits to accredited universities around the world, to professional development and workforce training, the real question is, `Why not Bermuda College`?
International Students
International students must graduate from high school with a minimum GPA of 2.0 or enter as a mature student over the age of 21:
1.Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores - required of all students coming from countries in which English is not the official language; a minimum score of either 550 on the paper-based exam or 213 on the computer-based exam is required.
2. Documents - certified original copies of academic records must be accompanied by original, certified English translations. Also submit the course descriptions and grading descriptions used at your college if you are requesting transfer credit.
3. Affidavit of Financial Support
4. Certified Bank Letter
5. Department of Immigration Questionnaire
6. US $127.00 Immigration Application fee payable to the Accountant General
7. US $25 Application Fee (money order) made payable to Bermuda College by April 15th
International Students wishing to be admitted to Bermuda College must request in writing a Bermuda College Application and Bermuda Department of Immigration Form. Address the request to:
Bermuda College
Admissions Office
College Center
P.O. Box PG 297
Paget PG BX
Phone: 441-236-9000 ext. 4343
Fax: 441-239-4051
Application Deadline
Completed applications with all supplemental documents and the Immigration Questionnaire must be submitted by the second Friday in April for the Fall semester. Bermuda College accepts international students only in the Fall semester.
Applicants should note that all documents become the property of Bermuda College and will not be returned.
Financial Assistance / Scholarships
Financial Aid is not available for international students. In order to comply with immigration requirements, you must be able to pay all of your expenses and make arrangements to have money transferred from your home country.
Tuition & Fees for International Students & Resident International Students.
Tuition and Fees are subject to change. (All International Students must pay for the entire academic year in advance and carry a full-time course load). Fees are made up of tuition, incidentals and an international differential. The total, about 3000 $, is based on the number of credits students register for. Most courses are 3 credits, however there are some exceptions; for example: CSC & ECA courses and science lab courses.
Incidental fees (which are non-refundable) contribute toward a variety of student services such as: computer usage (including laptops*), student centre, gymnasium use, student government, library usage, locker and mailbox rental and student ID card.
Laptops* are issued as follows:
. 1-5 credits - Students are able to use laptop on campus when required for a course. ( Does not apply for International Students )
. 6 credits and above - students will be issued a laptop for the semester.
Miscellaneous Fees (non-refundable)
Application for Admissions $ 25.00
Transcripts $ 10.00
Materials Fee for each CUART $ 45.00
Graduation Application Fee $75.00
Other Fees
There is a graduation application fee. Details of this will be released at a later date by the Registrar''s Office. Students should carefully note payment instructions and other financial information on the back of this card.
The College does not have dormitories. It is the student''s responsibility to find housing prior to coming to the island. Your living expenses will be determined by whether you rent a room or apartment. We have estimated $17,000.00 in living expenses (rent, utilities, food, transportation, etc.) for one year.
Entry Visa
The Entry Visa to attend Bermuda College and reside in Bermuda will be issued by the Department of Immigration to the student. You must be in possession of the Entry Visa before landing in Bermuda.
Reporting To Bermuda College
International students must report to Bermuda College upon receipt of the Department of Immigration Entry Visa and Bermuda College acceptance letter. Do not report to Bermuda without these two documents.
Report to the Admissions Office no less than three weeks prior to registration. This will provide enough time to take the Computerized Placement Test (CPT), participate in orientation and registration. Results of the CPT along with your secondary school transcript and any other tests taken will assist in placing you in the correct entry level courses.