calendar_month 11 Dec 2007, 00:00
TU Delft education programmes are nationally accredited and many are internationally recognised in professional organisations such as the American board of Engineering & Technology (ABET).
Education programmes
We offer a wide range of education programmes in engineering, science and design:
* Undergraduate (Bachelor of Science)
* Postgraduate (Master of Science, PhD and other postgraduate)
Undergraduates (Bachelors)
Programme structure
TU Delft offers three-year Bachelor of Science (BSc) programmes, focussing on mathematics, mechanics and physics. You will attend lectures and apply what you learn in projects. Right from the start you will be working in a team on assignments under the supervision of lecturers. A test or project concludes the Bachelor programme. Please check the academic calendar for the 2006-2007 programme structure.
Credit point system
TU Delft uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) employed by all universities in the European Union. One year consists of 60 ECTS credits, the total Bachelor programme consists of 180 ECTS.
Language of instruction
The Bachelor programmes are taught in Dutch, except for Aerospace Engineering which is taught in both Dutch and English. The Institute of Technology & Communication provides Dutch language courses for foreigners.
Bachelor programmes
TU Delft offers the following Bachelor programmes:
* Aerospace Engineering
* Applied Earth Sciences
* Applied Mathematics
* Applied Physics
* Architecture
* Civil Engineering
* Computer Science
* Electrical Engineering
* Industrial Design Engineering
* Life Science & Technology
* Marine Technology
* Mechanical Engineering
* Molecular Science & Technology
* Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis & ManagementThis page contains information for TU Delft staff only. You have to be logged on to read it.
Masters and other postgraduates
TU Delft offers English taught MSc programmes which take two years (four semesters). The first year comprises theoretical study, assignments and laboratory work. The second year is largely devoted to the final thesis work.
* Master programmes at TU Delft
Other postgraduates
* PhD programmes
TU Delft has a strong research culture, in which the PhD student plays a major role. Normally PhD study at TU Delft takes four years.
* Designer programmes
The objective of designer programmes is to increase the designer''s independence and flexibility and it trains designers to look beyond the limitations of his own discipline.
* Programmes for management and innovation (Delft TopTech)
Delft TopTech Studies offers five major postgraduate programmes. These programmes aim to strengthen the innovative capabilities of individuals and organisations from both the private and the public sector.
* Research & development programmes
TU Delft''s research & development programmes aim to provide MSc graduates with the opportunity to develop research skills, enabling them to become better professionals.
* European postgraduate Master in Urbanism
Four leading European universities a UPC Barcelona, TU Delft, KU Leuven and UniversitA IUAV di Venezia have designed a joint European Postgraduate Master of Urbanism: Strategies and Design for Cities and Territories.
* Short courses
TU Delft offers a variety of short courses, which enable engineers to keep up with recent developments in their own field.
Information and contact
You can request information in Dutch on studying bachelor programmes at TU Delft with the Dutch form Informatie aanvragen bachelors.
International students
Prospective international students can contact the International Office of TU Delft:
TU Delft
International Office
Jaffalaan 9A
2628 BX Delft
The Netherlands
Telephone +31 (0) 15 278 80 12
Telefax +31 (0) 15 278 56 90
E- mail
Wwbsite: TU Deft