calendar_month 29 Mai 2008, 00:00
The degree qualifications we offer are internationally-recognized and we enjoy a strong reputation worldwide for excellence in teaching and research. Cultural diversity is the cornerstone on which our University was built and it remains a key to our success.
The programme for international students is managed by a dedicated team, who will work with you and your faculty to help shape the study programme that will best nurture your academic growth, enhance your career prospects, and support your exploration of new cultures and surroundings.
In the years you spend with us, you will benefit from the following features and resources:
A prestigious, publicly-funded university that is rigorously evaluated and independently assessed on a continuing basis
Regionally and globally acclaimed programmes taught by local and overseas faculty of international standing
A flexible undergraduate programme of studies based on the credit unit system, with over 40 major disciplines for you to choose from, plus a strong offering in general education
A flexible undergraduate programme of studies based on the credit unit system, with over 40 major disciplines for you to choose from, plus a strong offering in general education
On-campus hostel accommodation with modern facilities including broadband connectivity
A culturally-diverse student body (including 10,000 undergraduates) from more than 45 countries including Mainland China
A superbly scenic campus with an active social, extra-curricular and sporting life
Tuition fees fixed at HK$80,000* for 2007-08
Reasonable cost of living - Hostel fees: around HK$8,000*, other expenses: around HK$30,000* per academic year
Scholarship schemes for non-local students with outstanding academic record and demonstrable financial need
International students holding a valid student visa are entitled to local rates for public health services and are exempt from surgical and hospital insurance during their study in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of the safest cities in the world . Its low crime-rate makes it a particularly attractive option for young people living abroad for the first time.
7.80 Hong Kong Dollars (HK$) = 1.00 United States Dollar (US$)
the fees for 2008-09 are to be confirmed
History of the University
The Chinese University of Hong Kong was established on the 17th of October 1963 when the government combined the three private science and art colleges on the recommendation of the Fulton Report a New Asia College (founded 1949), Chung Chi College (founded 1951), and United College (founded 1956). The fourth constituent college, Shaw College, was founded in 1986. To further strengthen the collegiate system and cater for the growth of the student population which will result from the 3+3+4 curriculum to be launched in 2012, four new colleges, namely Morningside, S.H. Ho, C.W. Chu and Wu Yee Sun will be established. At the time of the Universityas foundation, the three constituent colleges were dispersed throughout Hong Kong, Kowloon, and the New Territories, which was inconvenient for both teaching and administration.
Later the University was allocated a plot of land, measuring 110 hectares, connected to Chung Chi College. After seven to eight years of development, the buildings of the main campus, New Asia College and United College were respectively completed. The campus, set against a scenic mountain range and facing the sea, boasts a beautiful environment.
To prepare for future development, the University underwent a reformation in 1977 based on the Second Fulton Report. The departments of the constituent colleges combined to form university departments which were responsible for all subjectoriented teaching, while the colleges themselves were responsible for all student-oriented teaching. Another function of the colleges was to implement general education and promote extra-curricular activities.
The new system also increased the participation of senior academics in the Universityas administration and management.
The University has been expanding continuously since 1963. In addition to the original Science and Arts Faculties was a Graduate School. Other milestones in the Universityas development include the Faculty of Medicine, established in 1977, and the Department of Architecture and the Faculty of Engineering, both established in 1991.
The University currently has 61 departments in seven faculties: Arts, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Science, Social Science and the School of Law, providing 54 full-time undergraduate programmes and one part-time undergraduate programme. The 62 graduate divisions of the Graduate School provide 42 doctoral programmes, 25 MPhil-PhD programmes, 155 Masteras programmes, and 25 Postgraduate Diploma programmes.
Since 1965 research centres and units have been established for teachers and students to conduct basic and applied research. In 1968, the Publications Of.ce (renamed The Chinese University Press in 1977) was set up to publish specialized books and journals of high academic merit for the purpose of disseminating the valuable insights and research results of academics and experts.
The Universityas governance is modeled after British Commonwealth universities, with a Vice-Chancellor as the head of the institution, a Senate as the highest academic authority, and a University Council as the governing body. Professor Lawrence J.Lau, world-renowned economist, is currently the Vice-Chancellor.
1949 New Asia College was established.
1951 Chung Chi College was established.
1956 United College was established.
1963 The Chinese University of Hong Kong was of.cially inaugurated with Chung Chi College, New Asia College, and United College as the foundation colleges. Dr. Choh-ming Li assumed duty as the .rst Vice-Chancellor.
1964 a a (bo wen yue li) was adopted as the University motto, abo wena is to broaden oneas intellectual horizon; ayue lia is to keep within the bounds of propriety. The Boards of Studies and the University Senate were set up, and the University conferred its .rst degrees.
1965 The Faculties of Arts, Science, and Social Science were set up.
1966 The Graduate School was established to introduce higher degree programmes. The Lingnan Institute of Business Administration was also set up. The University Bacheloras degree magna cum laude and cum laude were approved by the Hong Kong Government and deemed equivalent to the First Class
Honours and Second Class Honours of British Commonwealth universities.
1967 The Institute of Chinese Studies was founded. The University conferred its .rst Masteras degrees.
1969 The Universityas central of.ces moved to their current site in Sha Tin. The British Commonwealth system of honours classi.cation was adopted for undergraduate degrees.
1971 United College moved to its current address.
1973 New Asia College moved to its current address.
1974 The Faculty of Business Administration was set up.
1977 The Faculty of Medicine was set up.
1978 The .rst Vice-Chancellor Dr. Choh-ming Li retired. He was succeeded by Dr. Ma Lin.
1980 Doctoral programmes were launched.
1981 Part-time undergraduate programmes of study were launched. The Faculty of Medicine admitted its .rst batch of students.
1982 The University conferred its .rst Ph.D. degrees.
1986 Shaw College was set up as the Universityas fourth constituent college.
1987 The second Vice-Chancellor Dr. Ma Lin retired. He was succeeded by Prof. Charles Kao.
1991 The Faculty of Engineering was set up.
1996 The third Vice-Chancellor Prof. Charles Kao retired. He was succeeded by Prof. Arthur K. C. Li.
2002 The fourth Vice-Chancellor Prof. Arthur K. C. Li resigned from the University from 1 August, to assume of.ce as the Secretary for Education and Manpower of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. He was succeeded by Prof. Ambrose Y. C. King.
2003 The University celebrated its 40th anniversary.
2004 The .fth Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ambrose Y. C. King retired. He was succeeded by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau.
2005 The School of Law was set up.
2006 The School of Law admitted its .rst batch of students. The University Council approved the establishment of Morningside College and S. H. Ho College.
2007 The University Council approved the establishment of C. W. Chu College and Wu Yee Sun College.
If you wish to apply for admission to the full-time undergraduate programmes in the academic year 2008-09, please .rst refer to the aRegulations Governing Admissions to Full-time Undergraduate Studiesa (P.73 of this Handbook) to ensure that you are able to meet the Universityas minimum entrance requirements and the additional requirements of individual programmes. Then you may refer to the table below for the details of application procedures.
Students who are currently enrolled in a full-time or sandwich Bacheloras degree programme in one of the JUPAS participating institutions funded by the University Grants Committee and wish to seek admission to the University on the strength of Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination results, should apply direct to the University.
Quali.cation Application Procedures Deadline for Application
The University also provides another admission channel for recruiting non-local undergraduates. Successful candidates, after due consideration of the Departments/Programmes concerned, can be exempted from the entrance requirements for Chinese language pro.ciency and be admitted to undergraduate programmes of the University.
The application procedures are brie.y stated below:
Address : Of.ce of Admissions and Financial Aid,
Room 201, Sui-Loong Pao Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
Telephone : (852) 2609 8947 or (852) 2609 8951
Fax : (852) 2603 5184
E-mail :
Website :
Of.ce hours : Monday - Thursday 8:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday 8:45 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays)
Major Programmes:
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Ingineering
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Science
Faculty of Law
Contact information:
Address : Of.ce of Admissions and Financial Aid
Room 201, Sui-Loong Pao Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
Telephone : (852) 2609 8947 or (852) 2609 8951
Fax : (852) 2603 5184
E-mail :
Website :