calendar_month 22 Apr 2008, 00:00
Liverpool is a thriving, vibrant city - and the University has been at the heart of city life since it was founded.
It''s an exciting time to be here. Chosen as the Capital of Culture in 2008, the city is already seeing increased investment, development and confidence.
The University of Liverpool is one of the UK''s leading universities. We are renowned for our teaching and research excellence. Our departments and schools are world-class and we have an outstanding reputation for student support.
As one of Merseyside''s largest employers, the University is a major source for innovation and plays a key role in the economic development of the region in terms of employment, skills, research and technology.
History of the University
From its origins as one of the first civic universities to its place as a groundbreaking Russell Group university which excels at teaching, learning and research, the University of Liverpool has remained committed to the ''advancement of learning and ennoblement of life''.
The University of Liverpool was one of the first civic universities. Founded in 1881 with the establishment of University College Liverpool, the College opened in 1882 with 45 students on Brownlow Hill.
From the start, it recruited notable scholars and received generous financial support from the people of Liverpool. A high proportion of the original students came from Merseyside; for poor yet able students there were scholarships and fellowships. The University grew quickly, and the famous Victoria Building, the original ''redbrick'' designed by Alfred Waterhouse, was opened in 1892.
The University attracted the pioneers of the day, including Professor Oliver Lodge, who made the world''s first public radio transmission in 1894. Two years later, Lodge demonstrated the use of X-ray photography by taking an image of a bullet in a boy''s wrist. It was the first time an X-ray had been used for surgical purposes in the UK.
1899 saw the foundation of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Future Nobel Prize winner Ronald Ross, who had just completed his renowned research into the origins of malaria, was appointed at the helm.
In 1903 the University received its Charter. This enabled the University to confer degrees in its own right, and so University College became the University of Liverpool.
The University quickly established itself as an incubator for success. Professor Charles Glover Barkla''s research into X-Rays won him the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1917, and Sir James Chadwick was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1935 for discovering the neutron.
Other successes included Allan Downie, Professor of Bacteriology from 1943 to 1966, who was instrumental in the eradication of smallpox and Dr Robert Minnitt, Honorary Lecturer in Anaesthesia from 1933 to 1947, who developed the use of gas and air in childbirth.
More recently, Sir Joseph Rotblat was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995 for his work on limiting the threat posed by nuclear weapons.
The University entered the 21st century with great confidence. Its L9m Management School opened in 2002, offering a world-class business education, and a L25m Biosciences Centre opened in 2003, providing first-rate facilities for research, teaching and new biotech businesses.
The University''s contribution to science has continued apace with present-day successes including the development of a new low-cost drug to treat malaria. Work is ongoing to develop an effective therapy for Pancreatitis, which afflicts 20,000 people each year in the UK alone. Research at the University has shed important light on the mechanisms involved in the disease.
Today, the University has over 230 first-degree courses offered across 103 subjects, over 19,000 registered students and an annual income of L219 million, which includes L75 million for research. The University remains strongly committed through the teaching and research of its staff to the ''advancement of learning and ennoblement of life'' which the people of Liverpool helped establish over a century ago.
Study at Liverpool
University of Liverpool is one of the UK''s leading universities.
Liverpoolas areas of expertise are focused on athe professionsa such as Accountancy, Architecture, Dentistry, Engineering, Health, Law, Medicine, Planning and Veterinary Science.
At undergraduate level we offer more than 300 courses across 31 subject areas.
Postgraduate study falls into two categories - research degrees and taught programmes. We offer around 130 Masters programmes and are always developing our provision.
Liverpool International College has foundation courses designed specifically to prepare international students for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Liverpool.
Money and scholarships
Finance is an important part of student life, especially when you are studying in another country.
Learn about all financial aspects of being an international student at the University of Liverpool - from tuition fees and living expenses to methods of support such as scholarships, external funding and part-time work.
If you have any questions about student finance read our faqs, chat to our dedicated advisors via our online chat or contact the International Team directly.
Tuition fees
Tuition fees payable by international students for undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) full-time courses in the academic year 2008/09 are listed below.
We offer a fixed fee guarantee for new international students on full-time undergraduate and postgraduate research programmes.
Faculty/course / Tuition fee (per year)
Archaeology and Egyptology (UG) L9,100
MA L9,100
MSc L11,650
Architecture (UG) L10,100
MArch L10,100
MPhil/PhD L9,100
Biological Sciences (UG and PG) L11,650
Biomedical Sciences (UG and PG) L11,650
Cancer Studies (PG) L11,650
Chemistry (UG and PG) L11,650
Civic Design (UG and PG) L9,100
Classics and Ancienct History (UG) L9,100
Clinical Sciences (PG) L11,650
Combined Honours Arts* (UG) L9,100 - L11,650
Combined Honours Science* (UG) L9,100 - L11,650
Combined Honours SES* (UG) L9,100 - L11,650
Computer Science (UG and PG) L11,650
Cultures, Languages and Area Studies (UG and PG) L9,100
Dental Sciences (UG) L18,000
MdentSci Check with dept
MPhil/PhD L11,650
Earth and Ocean Sciences (UG and PG) L11,650
Electrical Engineering and Electronics (UG and PG) L11,650
Engineering (UG and PG) L11,650
English (UG and PG) L11,650
English (UG and PG) L9,100
BA L9,100
BSc L11,650
MA/MPhil/PhD L9,100
MSc L11,650
Health Sciences (UG and PG) L11,650
History (UG and PG) L9,100
Infection and Host Defence (PG) L11,650
Irish Studies (UG and PG) L9,100
Latin American and Comparative American Studies (UG) L9,100
Law (UG and PG) L9,100
Management School (UG) L9,100
BSc E-business L11,650
MBA L14,000
MPA/MSc Management L9,950
MSc Finance L10,500
MSc E-business/MSc Operations and Supply Chain Management L11,650
Mathematical Sciences (UG and PG) L9,100
Medicine (UG) L18,000
Music (UG and PG) L9,100
Philosophy (UG and PG) L9,100
Physics (UG and PG) L11,650
Politics and Communication Studies (UG and PG) L9,100
Population, Community and Behavioural Sciences L11,650
Psychology (UG and PG) L11,650
Reproductive and Developmental Medicine (PG) L11,650
Sociology and Social Policy (UG and PG) L9,100
Tropical Medicine
Veterinary Science
BVSc Veterinary Science L17,500
BSc Bioveterinary Science L11,650
MPhil/PhD L11,650
MSc Check with dept
International students at University of Liverpool have two accommodation options:
Catered - all your meals cooked for you
Self-catered - you cook your own meals
International Foundation Year Students
University accommodation is guaranteed to students who have been offered and firmly accepted their place, and who have applied for accommodation by 31 August 2008.
Undergraduate Students
Accommodation is guaranteed to international undergraduate students who have been offered and firmly accepted an unconditional (UF) or conditional offer (CF), and who have applied for accommodation by 31 August 2008.
Postgraduate Students
Accomodation is available for postgraduate students at the university''s self-catering residences on campus.
Temporary Accommodation
Temporary accommodation is not available. If you need to book a hotel for your arrival in Liverpool visit where you can book your room online. Or view our list of cost-effective hotels and hostels.
Liverpool Student Homes
Liverpool Student Homes co-ordinates accommodation in private halls of residence, shared houses or flats for international students who do not want to live in university-owned accommodation.
International scholarships
International students can apply for a range of scholarships at the University of Liverpool. The majority of scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit rather than hardship and students must normally hold an offer of a place on a course before they can apply.
Competition for university scholarships is very strong so international student are encouraged to apply for external funding.
International students are those classified to pay tution fees at the overseas (full cost or specified) rate. Confirmation of your fee status should be included within your offer letter. If you are unsure about your fee status contact the university''s Tuition Fees Office quoting your student identification number.
Details of funding opportunities for undergraduate home/EU students and postgraduate home/EU students are also available.
Competition for University of Liverpool scholarships is very strong.
All international students are advised to seek external funding opportunities from their home country at an early stage.
The first step is to contact your own Ministry of Education or careers department. Your local British Council office may also be able to provide useful information.
British Council awards and scholarships are available to certain international students. For details visit the British Council Scholarships database or contact the nearest British Embassy or High Commission.
There are many other sources of potential funding for overseas students such as those listed below:
UKIERI PhD Scholarships
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Awards (Chevening Scheme)
Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP)
Sino-British Scholarship Scheme: more information from State Education Commission (SEDC), 37 Damucang Hutong Beijing 100816 China, tel. 66096114
British Marshall Scholarships
Fulbright Graduate Student Awards outside the UK or Fulbright Graduate Student Awards within the UK
Royal Society Fellowships
Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust
UK Council for International Education
Please note that EU students can apply for the same scholarships as Home students. Please email the UK Student Recruitment Office for more information.
Tel: +44 (0)151 794 6730
Fax: +44 (0)151 794 6733