PhD student position in Arctic Ocean magnetostratigraphy
PhD student position in Arctic Ocean magnetostratigraphy

Records of geomagnetic field polarity reversals are carried by magnetic minerals found in rocks and sediments. Magnetostratigraphy is commonly used by geologists to provide preliminary age-depth models for sequences of sediment that have accumulated

PhD candidate in Strategy and Organization
PhD candidate in Strategy and Organization

The University of Amsterdam Business School (ABS) is part of the Faculty of Economics and Business. ABS provides academic courses in accounting, finance, management, marketing, and strategy, based on international research carried out in these

PhD candidate in the area of Causal Inference
PhD candidate in the area of Causal Inference

The Informatics Institute at the University of Amsterdam invites applications for a fully funded position for a PhD candidate in the area of causal modeling, reasoning and discovery, with a strong focus on applications in molecular biology. The

6 PhD scholarships within the research training group
6 PhD scholarships within the research training group

The newly founded research training group €œEvolutionary novelty and adaptation €“ from molecules to organisms€, funded by the Baden-Wrttemberg Landesgraduiertenfrderung Program, invites applications for 6 PhD scholarships

Postdoctoral position in Data driven and distributed algorithms for safe and sustainable transports
Postdoctoral position in Data driven and distributed algorithms for safe and sustainable transports

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has about 70 faculty members and enrolls about 90 PhD students from more than 30 countries. The research spans the whole spectrum, from theoretical foundations to applied systems development. There

PhD Plant Science
PhD Plant Science

Weather-proofing plants This PhD project provides opportunities to develop cutting edge molecular genetics skills and to work alongside theoreticians on fundamental science that addresses the global challenge of food security. The security of our

Ph.D. in Computer Science with Graduate Assistant
Ph.D. in Computer Science with Graduate Assistant

Application is made to the Missouri S and T admissions office along with the required transcripts, etc. Applicants who do not have a graduate degree will normally request admission to the M.S. program first. Applicants must submit a letter outlining

PhD project - The European Union as Crisis Manager: An Institutional Perspective
PhD project - The European Union as Crisis Manager: An Institutional Perspective

We live in a global risk society that challenges the traditional capacities of nation states to deal with a wide variety of adversity. Whether we speak of climate change, suicidal terrorism, cyber wars or terrifying epidemics, these crises

Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme in the Humanities
Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme in the Humanities

The Mica and Ahmet Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme funds full-time graduate degrees in various subjects in the Humanities. Established in 2012, the programme is supported by the generosity of Mica Ertegun. The scholarship will cover 100% of

Doctoral student in automatic micro- and nanorobotic manipulation
Doctoral student in automatic micro- and nanorobotic manipulation

Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation is a part of Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering. The Micro- and Nanorobotics Group at the department conducts academic research and education in the field of micro- and nanorobotics,