School of Civil Environment and Mining Engineering, The University of Adelaide: The University of Adelaide has a long tradition of excellent research outcomes and collaboration between researchers in the fields of engineering. The research quality

Migration law is a relatively new and dynamic field of law in Sweden, in which there is a great need for research. Migration law deals with the international, regional and national legal frameworks that regulate various forms of migration, such as

The Imprinting Group at the School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Sciences, The University of Manchester is seeking an enthusiastic and creative candidate to work on a PhD project on Downstream Processing of Pharmaceuticals. The

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD position within the field of network architectures and protocols for future mobile communication systems. The start date is flexible, but preferably before September 1, 2014. The project will be carried out

The Department of Industrial Engineering abd Innovation Sciences (IE and IS) has several BSc and MSc programmes housed in two separate schools. The School of Innovation Sciences focuses on the development and use of new technologies in a broad

LEADERS School este programul care, de-a lungul a 12 editii realizate pana in acest moment, a reprezentat rampa de lansare a peste 300 de tineri. Tocmai din acest motiv si anul acesta Fundatia LEADERS, impreuna cu parteneri de nadejde cu care

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Eindhoven University of Technology invites applications for four PhD positions in the area of Data Science, a multi-disciplinary area that relates to many areas within computer science and

Daca iti doresti sa inveti in strainatate timp de cateva luni pe durata studiilor universitare sau postuniversitare, o poti face cu ajutorul unei burse Erasmus. Iata ce ar trebui sa stii pentru a te putea bucura de experienta unei burse Erasmus in

The position is available immediately. The post holder will study metabolic interactions between plants and microbial communities, using modern theoretical and computational approaches. The successful candidate will reconstruct metabolic network

Since 1994, the Center has been the home for a unique Ph.D program in Complex Systems and Brain Sciences. Students learn how medical imaging techniques, laboratory biology, and analytical and computational mathematics can be combined to offer