Un numar de 30 dintre cele mai mari scoli de business din lume, printre care Harvard, Stanford, Oxford si London Business School, vor sa-si imbunatateasca metodele de promovare a programelor MBA pe piata romaneasca, unde vad un potential mai mare
The university course, `Professional MBA Entrepreneurship`, teaches management-know-how und current methods und techniques to start up and manage businesses. The course is organized into six general management modules and four concentration modules.
Enterprise risk management (ERM) is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the activities of an organization in order to minimize the effects of risk on an organization''s capital and earnings. Enterprise risk management
The core modules of the Danube MBA program focus on the basic processes and tools of general management. The main emphasis is put on Managerial Accounting, Organization & Leadership, Human Resource Management, Managerial Economics, European and
As a national leader in early career MBA education, Willamette''s Full-time MBA is specifically designed to prepare students for their first professional career position, career change or advancement. In just 21 months, Full-Time MBA students learn
XVIII edition (September 2007 – September 2008) Scholarship Competition MIB School of Management of Trieste, Italy is pleased to announce a scholarship competition for applicants to the XVIII Edition of the MBA in International Business. The
Ce este mai apreciat in Romania?, ma intreaba multe persoane cu senioritate in munca. Experienta concreta de management sau un MBA (Master of Business Administration)? Ce voi cistiga daca fac un MBA? Merita sa fac un efort? Cind vine vorba despre
CODECS anunta deschiderea sesiunii de inscrieri pentru cursul Diploma Profesionala in Management, din prima etapa a Programului de MBA, si la cursurile „Strategy”, „Making a Difference” si „Marketing in a Complex
Miine incepe primul tirg international de mastere MBA organizat in Romania, la hotel Marriott, care va aduce peste 20 de scoli renumite de business si burse de peste 2,3 milioane de euro. Bucurestiul, alaturi de alte capitale europene, cum ar fi
Sabanci University''s Faculty of Management, Istanbul, together with Hedef Alliance, Turkey''s largest distributor of pharmaceuticals, have agreed details for an international scholarship award, believed to be the first of its kind in Turkey. Under